Bolanle Austen-Peters, the renowned Nigerian movie producer, has officially launched her expansive BAP Film Village in Epe, Lagos State. In a recent post on X, Austen-Peters revealed that her latest film, House of GA’A, was shot at the 10,000-acre site.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The BAP Film Village, which includes rolling hills, huts, and various facilities, is now available for commercial use, including film productions and recreational activities. Austen-Peters highlighted the transformation of the land from a dense forest to a fully equipped film village, thanks to the efforts of Bisola, who spearheaded the construction.
Austen-Peters joins other notable filmmakers such as Kunle Afolayan, who launched the Kunle Afolayan Productions (KAP) film village in Oyo State in 2022, and Ibrahim Chatta, who opened the Africhatta Film Village in Oyo town in 2023.