Veteran Yoruba actor Tajudeen Oyewole, popularly known as Abija, has opened up about the profound sorrow he experienced following the loss of his wife and two children. The 66-year-old actor described this period as the most heartbreaking of his life, which had a significant impact on his career and led to bouts of depression.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!In a recent interview, Abija recounted the tragic events that unfolded just before the Sallah festival. “The saddest moment of my life was when my beloved wife, Iya Biodun, passed away just four days before the festival,” he said. “I had bought a ram for our Sallah celebration and was preparing to travel from Ibadan to perform in a stage play in Lalupon, Iwo, and other towns.”
Abija recalled praying with his family and wishing them a happy celebration before his journey. Little did he know, this would be his final moment with his wife.
Upon arriving in Lalupon, he was shocked to find his younger brother already at the venue, who informed him of his wife’s critical condition and the need for immediate surgery. However, Abija decided it was too late to return that night and planned to leave early the next morning. Tragically, by the time he returned home, he discovered that his wife had already passed away.
The sorrow didn’t end there for Abija. He later lost his two daughters as well, a sequence of events he attributes to a spiritual attack from a former boss with whom he had a dispute.
Recently, the legendary actor has sought financial support from his fans through social media. During a live session on TikTok, Abija shared his account details in the comments, appealing for assistance to help with his financial difficulties.
“I never expected such a devastating series of events,” Abija said. “It has been a challenging time, and I am reaching out for help to get through this difficult period.”