“In an unexpected turn of events, residents of Birnin Magaji, located in Zamfara State, took action by abducting the family members of bandits as a response to a recent kidnapping incident in their area.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!According to a local youth leader, the bandits had kidnapped several community members while they were working in the fields. He explained, “The armed bandits forcibly entered the farm, terrorized the farmers, and then abducted them.
These days, many people in our area live in fear, unable to go to their farms or even stay in their homes due to the constant threat of abduction for ransom.”
Naija247news reports that in retaliation, young individuals within the community intercepted the wives of the bandits, including a pregnant woman, who were in transit.
It has also been revealed that negotiations are currently underway between community leaders and the leaders of the bandits, aimed at resolving this tense situation.”