The police on Thursday arraigned an applicant, Hamza Ibrahim, 35, of Dape Village, Abuja before an Abuja Grade 2 Area Court sitting in Kado, charged with joint act and cheating.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The Prosecutor, Cpl Buba Irimiya, told the court that John Atiku, a security guard, attached to Good Tidings
International Church, Utako, Abuja, lodged a report at the Utako Market Police Station on Nov. 28.
Irimiya said that sometime in November, the accused and four others now at large formed a common intention and collected N18,000 and a Samsung galaxy cell phone, valued at N15,000.
He alleged that during police investigations Ibrahim admitted to committing the crime.
However, after the charges were read to him, the accused pleaded not guilty.
He said the offence contravened the provisions of Sections 72 and punishable under Section 322 of the Penal Code.
If convicted, Ibrahim is liable to three years in prison or may be given an option to pay a fine or both.
The Presiding Judge, Alhaji Ahmed Ado, admitted the accused to bail in the sum of N20,000 with one surety in like sum.