The equities market closed the week on a negative note on Friday, as the Nigerian Stock Exchange All Share Index (NSE ASI) recorded a depreciation of 0.40 per cent to close at 37,461.94 points, compared with the appreciation of 0.54 per cent recorded yesterday.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Week-on-week, the Index appreciated by 0.53 per cent, while the year-to-date (YTD) return stands at 33.42 per cent.
Similarly, the Market Capitalization also lost by 0.40 per cent to close at N11.97 trillion, compared with the gain of 0.54 per cent recorded yesterday to close at N12.02 trillion.
The depreciation in the Index could be attributed to losses recorded in the share prices of some highly capitalised stocks such as: UBA, Ashakacem, Nigerian Breweries, Stanbic IBTC Holdings and Dangote Sugar, amongst others.
The total value traded on the floors of the NSE was N2.75 billion, down 6.06 per cent from N2.93 billion recorded yesterday. The total volume traded was 228.98 million in 4,630 deals. The three most actively traded stocks were: UBA (40 million), Transcorp (31.58 million) and GT Bank (22.49 million) while the most actively traded sectors were Financial Services (161.39 million), Conglomerates (32.05 million) and Oil and Gas (10.47 million).